At dbfb we know you can’t underestimate the value of investing in cyber security. Over 80% of cyber-attacks are down to human error, that means businesses can lose millions of pounds recovering from mishaps that staff could simply have been educated to avoid.

As a business, it is essential our customers know we take the security of their data seriously. We are constantly working on ways to ensure that our IT is protected against any cyber-attacks, and as our customers you can have peace of mind that your information is safe.

Cyber Essentials, a government backed scheme, helps businesses protect themselves against a range of common cyber-attacks. As a telecommunications provider, overseeing data and information of many customers and businesses, we believe Cyber Essentials to be of paramount importance to help keep us and our customers protected.

With the Cyber Essentials accreditation requirements continually evolving, to meet the demands of increasing malware, hacking attached and phishing scams, the annual renewal of our Cyber Essentials accreditation, ensures our IT team are keeping up to date with all the latest known potential threats.

Phishing attacks have jumped from to 72% to 86% since 2017. Cyber attackers are getting smarter and working harder, making it more important for us than ever, to ensure our IT team are trained with the newest forms of cyber security.

Upon completion of the accreditation, we’re able to display the Cyber Essentials logo, ensuring our customers have peace of mind when working with us.

To emphasise our investment in cyber protection further, at dbfb we will also be looking to renew our Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation later this year. In the meantime, you can see our range of digital security services for businesses.