It’s still good to talk.

We know when your team, suppliers and / or customers are based around the world, the need to ‘keep talking’ can be even more crucial.

And whilst the world is well connected via the internet there are times when a phone call is the best way to keep in touch. We understand it’s not always easy to know what you’ll be charged to make a call to outside the UK, so we’ve made it easy for you. Simply find your mobile networks international call zone listing below, and click to discover what you’ll be charged so you don’t receive any nasty surprises on your bill.

And as always, if you need any help simply call 01604 673320, email or Live Chat with us.

Call zones

Discover the costs you’re likely to face when calling countries across the globe, from within the UK.

  • O2: Call zone 0

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 0 are £0.15 per minute.

    Calls to countries in Zone 0 listed below, are £0.15 per minute:

    Channel Islands 
    Isle of Man



    O2: Call zone 0

  • O2: Call zone 1

    Calls to countries in Zone 1 are £0.15 per minute.

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 1 listed below are £0.15 per minute:



    O2: Call zone 1

  • O2: Call zone 2

    Calls to countries in Zone 2 are £0.15 per minute.

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 2 listed below are £0.15 per minute:

    Andorra Italy (inc Vatican City)
     Austria  Latvia
     Belgium  Liechtenstein
     Bulgaria  Lithuania
     Canary Islands  Luxembourg
     Croatia  Malta
     Cyprus (Greek)  Monaco
     Czech Republic  Netherlands
     Denmark  Norway
     Estonia  Poland
     Faroe Islands  Portugal
     Finland  Romania
     France  San Marino
     Germany  Slovak Rep
     Gibraltar  Slovenia
     Greece  Spain
     Hungary  Sweden
     Iceland  Switzerland


    O2: Call zone 2

  • O2: Call zone 3

    Calls to countries in Zone 3 are £1 per minute.

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 3 listed below are £1 per minute:

    Cyprus (North)


    O2: Call zone 3

  • O2: Call zone 4

    Calls to countries in Zone 4 are £0.15 per minute.

    Calls to all countries in Zone 4 listed below are £0.15 per minute:

    Cocos Islands
    Northern Mariana Islands


    O2: Call zone 4

  • O2: Call zone 5

    Calls to countries in Zone 5 are £1 per minute.

    Calls to the countries in Zone 5 listed below are £1 per minute :

    Christmas Island
    Hong Kong
    New Zealand
    South Africa


    O2: Call zone 5

  • O2: Call zone 6

    Calls to all countries in Zone 6 are £1 per minute.

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 6 listed below, are £1 per minute:

    Abkhazia Dominica  Liberia  Senegal
    Afghanistan Dominican Republic  Macau  Seychelles
    American Samoa East Timor  Madagascar  Sierra Leone
    Angola Ecuador  Malawi  Solomon Islands
    Anguilla Egypt  Maldives  Somalia
    Antarctica El Salvador  Mali  Sri Lanka
    Antigua and Barbuda Equatorial Guinea  Marshall Islands  St Helena
    Argentina Eritrea  Martinique  St Kitts
    Armenia Ethiopia  Mauritania  St Lucia
     Aruba  Falkland Islands  Mauritius  Saint Maarten
     Azerbaijan  Fiji  Mayotte  St Pierre & Miquel.
     Bahamas  French Guiana  Mexico  St Vincent
     Bahrain  French Polynesia  Micronesia  Sudan
     Bangladesh  French West Indies  Moldova  South Sudan
     Barbados  Gabon  Mongolia  Suriname
     Belarus  Gambia  Montserrat  Swaziland
     Belize  Georgia  Moorea  Syria
     Benin  Ghana  Mozambique  Tahiti
     Bermuda  Greenland  Myanmar  Taiwan
     Bhutan  Grenada  Namibia  Tajikistan
     Bolivia  Guadeloupe  Nauru  Tanzania
     Bora Bora  Guam  Nepal  Thailand
     Botswana  Guatemala  New Caledonia  Togo
     Brazil  Guinea  Nicaragua  Tokelau
     British Virgin Islands  Guinea Bissau  Niger  Tonga
     Brunei  Guyana  Nigeria  Trinidad and Tobago
     Burkina Faso  Haiti  Niue  Turkmenistan
     Burundi  Honduras  NLD Antilles  Turks and Caicos
     Cambodia  India  Norfolk Island  Tuvalu
     Cameroon  Indonesia  Oman  Uganda
     Cape Verde  Iran  Pakistan  Ukraine
     Cayman Islands  Iraq  Palau  United Arab Emirates (UAE)
     Central African Rep  Israel  Palestine  Uruguay
     Chad  Ivory Coast  Panama  US Virgin Islands
     Chile  Jamaica  Papua  Uzbekistan
     China  Jordan  New Guinea  Vanuatu
     Colombia  Kazakhstan  Paraguay  Venezuela
     Comoros  Kenya  Peru  Vietnam
     Congo  Kiribati  Philippines  Wallis & Futuna
     Congo (DRO)  North Korea  Puerto Rico  Western Samoa
     Cook Islands  South Korea  Qatar  Yemen
     Costa Rica  Kuwait  Reunion


     Cuba  Kyrgyzstan  Russia


     Curacao  Laos  Rwanda  
     Diego Garcia  Lebanon  Sao Tome & Principe  
    Djibouti  Lesotho  Saudi Arabia  
    O2: Call zone 6

  • Vodafone: International Caller tariff prices

    International calling tariff's for Vodafone.

    International Caller Bolt On

    Our optional International Caller (IC) offers end users hugely reduces international call rates when dialling abroad from the UK without bundles. 

    For only £4.00 exc. VAT per month you will benefit from these savings on international calls. 


    International Caller Tariff Price

    UK to Europe / USA / Canada 4p per minute

    (usually £1.25 to Europe and £2.50 to USA/Canada)

    UK to Rest of World 22p per minute (usually £2.50)

    UK to International SMS 4p per message (usually 40p)


    Vodafone: International Caller tariff prices

  • EE: International Caller tariff prices

    International calling tariff's for EE.


    Zone Name

    Calling an international number from the UK (per min)

    Send a text to an international number from the UK


    Republic of Ireland




    Europe 1




    Europe 2




    Asia Pacific




    USA & Canada




    Middle East and South Africa




    Rest of World




    EE: International Caller tariff prices

  • EE: Call zone 1

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 1 (Republic of Ireland), are 12p per minute.

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 1 listed below, are 12p per minute:



    Isle of Man


    EE: Call zone 1

  • EE: Call zone 2

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 2 (Europe 1), are 17p per minute.

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 2 listed below, are 17p per minute:

    Andorra Italy (inc Vatican City)
    Austria Liechtenstein
    Belgium Luxembourg
    Canary Islands Malta
    Cyprus Monaco
    Denmark Netherlands
    Finland (inc Aland islands) Norway 
    France Portugal (inc Azores and Maderia)
    Germany  San Marino
    Gibraltar Spain (inc Canary Islands, Cueta and Melilla)
    Greece Sweden
    Iceland Switzerland
    EE: Call zone 2

  • EE: Call zone 3

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 3 (Europe 2), are 25p per minute.

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 3 listed below, are 25p per minute:

    Albania Lithuania
    Belarus Macedonia
    Bosnia & Herzegovina Moldova
    Bulgaria Montenegro
    Croatia Poland
    Czech Republic Romania
    Estonia Serbia
    Georgia Slovakia
    Hungary Slovenia
    Latvia Ukraine


    EE: Call zone 3

  • EE: Call zone 4

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 4 (Asia) are 30p per minute.

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 4 listed below, are 30p per minute:

    Australia Malaysia
    China New Zealand
    Hong Kong Singapore
    Japan Thailand
    Korea South  


    EE: Call zone 4

  • EE: Call zone 5

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 5 (USA and Canada) are 10p per minute.

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 5 listed below, are 10p per minute:



    EE: Call zone 5

  • EE: Call zone 6

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 6 (Middle East and South Africa) are 45p per minute.

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 6 listed below, are 45p per minute:

    Bahrain Qatar
    Egypt Saudi Arabia
    Kuwait South Africa
    Oman United Arab Emirates
    EE: Call zone 6

  • EE: Call zone 7

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 7 (all other countries) are 65p per minute.

    Calls to all the countries in Zone 7 listed below, are 65p per minute:

    All other countries. 

    EE: Call zone 7

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