Are you tired of feeling like just another digit in the telecoms customer service labyrinth? You’re not alone – 44% of consumers agree that they’ve noticed a decline in the quality of customer service over recent years. In today’s world of automated systems and robotic voices, getting your issue resolved can feel like an uphill battle. But fear not, because dbfb is here to change the game.

At dbfb, we believe in the power of old-school authenticity when it comes to service. Our Delight team is made up of knowledgeable industry experts who are always ready to lend a helping hand and more importantly, getting your issue fully resolved. With our average answering time of 7 seconds, say goodbye to the days of navigating through impersonal automated menus or waiting endlessly on hold. When you call our lines, you’ll speak directly to a real person dedicated to resolving your communication queries promptly and efficiently.

Our Service Director, Colin Beckley says, “There is no denying that technology can be beneficial when executed correctly. However, many companies are hastily adopting automation and AI to cut costs, often at the detriment of the customer experience. As a consumer, I find it frustrating when I can’t quickly speak to a human when something isn’t working. That’s why at dbfb, we prioritise giving our customers instant access to our Delight Team, whether by phone or online. We have chosen to continue to invest in our internal infrastructure to empower our team to better assist our customers as opposed to trying to replace that critical initial interaction with digital automation.”

So, the next time you find yourself in need of assistance, remember that you don’t have to settle for anything less than the best. Choose dbfb communications and experience the difference that a human-centric approach to customer service can make. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we’re here to prove it, one conversation at a time.

Get in touch with a friendly member of our team now.